Harnessing the full potential of teams.
In high-performing teams all the relationships within the team work well; all members have a clear focus and understand the goals and needs of the team and organization. The aim of team coaching is to enable your team to have higher quality conversations. From good conversations come good ideas, decisions, and direction.
Companies often approach us when there’s a problem in the team. Perhaps there is low team morale, lack of creativity and productivity or confusion about team roles. Using the ORSC coaching tools, we help surface what is currently happening in teams and we show how all team members’ talents and skills can be put to use.
But team coaching can also be very valuable when a new team is being set up. We help new teams become very clear on what is needed for them to be successful, right from the word “go”.
“When you hand good people possibility,
they do great things.”― Biz Stone
Benefits of team coaching for the organization:
- Stimulates constructive change and an entrepreneurial outlook
- Encourages the development and improvement of processes, services, and products
- Builds and accelerates the organisation’s learning capacity
- Breaks down silo mentality among departments
- Helps resolve conflicts and unspoken tensions for better performance
- Optimizes goal accomplishment at the personal, team and organization levels
Benefits for the team members:
- Builds proficiency in reflection, reframing, questioning and problem-solving
- Enhances personal flexibility and adaptability
- Deepens trust and collaboration among peers and across departments
- Improves interpersonal support skills: listening, coaching, questioning, and feedback
- Helps people identify and hone their individual strengths to better excel at meeting the requirements and goals linked to their job description.