Many business leaders are currently steering their organizations through the stormy seas of 2023: from economic uncertainty and political instability to seismic shifts in everything from technology to regulation. Whether it is implementing a strategic shift, updating and incorporating more technology or a pivot aimed at efficiency gains and […]
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Toxic Leadership: the CEO as barometer of culture
In my job, not a day goes by that the topic of culture doesn’t enter the conversation. Inevitably, it also turns to the impact leaders have on culture. Interestingly, I’ve noticed that this comes up a lot more frequently at companies where leaders display destructive behaviours than at companies with inspirational, empowering leaders. What if there are suspicions of […]
Read MoreSeven crucial skills in times of business transformation
The fact that the world of work is changing radically and irreversibly since the outbreak of COVID-19 has been repeated ad infinitum. Every company is going digital and the revolution is reaching even the most traditional sectors, forcing organizations to rethink everything from their business models to organizational structures. But […]
Read MoreFive questions leaders need to ask themselves to become champions of change.
Do you still remember learning to ride a bike as a kid? I do. I remember my dad taking the training wheels off my bike, which was – as your first bike usually is – too big for me. I remember the thrill of launching myself full steam down the […]
Read More2020: the year we should rethink performance reviews.
“Performance Review”. Two words that fill most employees with a sense of dread. Even more so this year, when most of us did the best we could in hastily assembled home-offices which, ten months later, we still occupy with little perspective on returning to some form of office normality. The […]
Read MoreEmerging from COVID-19: how radical collaboration can help us thrive
COVID-19 has changed our societies and business environments fundamentally in a matter of weeks. How quaint it sounds now, those off-site meetings and brainstorms and pilot projects to create our ‘one-day’ future. Suddenly there is no more time. Our tomorrow has kicked in the door of today with big, muddy, […]
Read MoreNot all mistakes are created equal
“Mistake”. It’s been a dirty word in business for many, many years. The last thing you ever wanted to have to say is: “I made a mistake”. I think it’s high time that we rethink that attitude. Mistakes are a natural part of learning or trying something new. A baby […]
Read MoreWhy you should sometimes do nothing.
How often do you take a step back to reflect on what you’ve experienced or learnt? I certainly don’t do it often enough. Until recently, I thought that doing nothing was the same as wasting time. My time was spent rushing. Rushing to work. Rushing to the next meeting. Rushing […]
Read More4 minutes of inspiration about YOU.
A beautiful 4-minute video well worth watching. And then ask yourself the question: “Who am I, really? And what will I do with that to make change?”
Read MoreWhy you always have a choice. (Even when you think you don’t.)
“Deciding what not to do, is as important as deciding what to do.” I came across this quote on my LinkedIn timeline this morning. At first, I scrolled past, but something about it intruiged me, and I scrolled back to have another look. It’s a timely quote as the summer […]
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